Sunday, October 28, 2007
Marathon,Dysmenorrhea,and Fever
I did it! I did it! I did it! Yey! I finished the Oogaki Marathon I joined today!
This marathon is the second marathon I joined this year but more than the first one(in April, Enakyo marathon), I had a more challenging experience. Again, my health was trying to stop me.
1.I had a bad cold since Thursday night.
2.I was overworked this past weeks because of our school's Halloween party and make up classes because Gold was in Osaka for her seminar so i had to do some extra classes and Kate is leaving for Australia, so again, extra classes.
3.I am very tired from my studying every night for the past 2 months.
4.That very painful day of the month came.
I had to work the whole day yesterday, Saturday, in Nagoya. This added to all the stress and fatigue I was feeling.
I tried to be in bed around 9 pm Saturday night but I had a difficult time sleeping.I was finally able to sleep around 10:30 only to be woken up at 1:30am because of terrible period pains. i couldnt sleep until 5 am. When i woke up at 7, i had fever and the pain was still there. But i had to get up and get ready to leave for Oogaki (1.5 hours away from where I live). Why? Because I asked for a sign from God.There was a typhoon on Saturday and it was raining the whole day. Before I slept at 5 am, I told God that If it still rains the next day,then i will not join the marathon.It was the same sign I asked when I was struggling to climb Mt. Fuji last year. As soon as I woke up, i opened my curtains and saw that the sun was shine brightly and beautifully outside. Fine. i'll join the marathon.
And I did! Im so happy! I didnt finish first, as I expected and i was dizzy the whole time, but I made it! I felt pain in my legs again,which surprised me because I havent felt that kind of pain in a long time.Again, just like in Ena Marathon, there were some members of the marathon's medical team who offered to give me a ride when they saw I was in pain.Again, i told them, I will finish the marathon. i dont care If Im last.I will finish it. they asked me several times If i was sure,I said "Yes,definitely".Then they shut up after I said,"If I do not finish this marathon, i cannot live with myself.Please, let me finish this."
And I did! Yey! Yey! God is great! He was with me the whole time!
Im so tired now.I will take a long bath, rest, and then sign up for my next marathon in Nagoya next month! I love my life! :)
Stretching... in Gifu Station, while waiting for my train to Oogaki.
a very tired and sick but happy me. In the train on my way home.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Anonymous Bitching
1.Please cover your mouth when you talk to me. Or please use a stronger mouthwash. Your breath is horrible.
2. Yes, i will cancel my weekend plans and work on Sunday. Asshole.
3. Didnt you learn Subject-Verb agreement in school?
4.Please stop embarrasing yourself. Tagalugin mo na pare!
5.They sell deodorants now, you know.
6. I will be there when i get there! I dont get paid for this, so stop obsessing about it already,Jerk.
7.I like you a lot, but not enough for me to want to marry you.
8.Didnt you learn Geography at your "elite" school?! Japan is not the world, you know?
9.So what If youre rich back home?You're ordinary here.
10.So what If youre certified back home? I know how much you make and it's not enough to act like youre better than all of us!
11.Your PhD wouldnt make us like you.Stop bragging about it already!
12.If you want anything better, you'd need to spend money for it! Don't complain when youre way too stingy!
13.Youre now paying for all the bad things you did to so many people. That's what we call KARMA.
14.Seriously, I dont care.
15.Stop bragging about it already! It's obviously a fake. Ive been to Korea and Hongkong, you know. ive seen those kinds. So, just shut up!
16.You dont have friends coz youre way too selfish.
17. Stop complaining about Japan already! If it's that bad, then just go home to England! ( and Scotland!hahaha) you wouldnt be here 7 years if you were paid better in your beloved country!
18.Admit youre gay already.It wouldnt make me think less of you.
19.You dont brag "Ive been to Paris" when youre only transitting. You say " Ive been to Paris AIRPORT"
20.You lied. And Its too many lies over the years. You cant blame me for not trusting you, can you?
I need to add this.
21.Im so glad were over.
And these...(sorry, I know there's a limit but I just have to)
22.That's your best?!!!? Seriously?
23.The world does not revolve around you. I love you....but, grow up, will you!
24.I have a life. and a thing called a job.You know I care a lot about you...but please dont expect me to mail you everyday.
25.Family and friends are important and the only thing CONSTANT in our lives.I hope it's not too late before you realize that.
26.Once is forgivable, but twice! Come on! You are much better off without him,trust me! Dont waste the pretty!
27.Why do you criticise people too much? Youre not that pretty....or rich....or smart....or thin...Live and Let Live!
28.Stop obsessing about money! I just forgot the $1/ Yen50 /Php 10 i borrowed from you.I know youve been losing sleep over it.
29.We both have jobs. Why do you expect me to pay everytime?
30.Youre making the biggest mistake of your life. Dont marry him!
31.Stop fussing about my lovelife as If marriage is the only way to ultimate happiness. Look at you. Are u happy?
32.Stop acting like youre pretty and smart. Youre NOT!
33.Im fat.....but youre ugly and i can diet!
*this one's my all time fave!
This feels so great! Cheers everyone!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Hot Men
Michael Buble is my current "love"!
I will marry anyone who would sing Buble's "Wonderful Tonight" and" Everything" to me. Seriously! lol.
It's been a long time since I had a big crush on someone famous! I like the feeling.
10 famous men i have a major crush on:
1.Michael Buble
2.Hugh Grant
3.Denzel Washington
4.Will Smith
5.Cesar Montano
6.Hugh Jackman
7.Clive Owen
8.Patrick Dempsey
9.David Schwimmer
10.Richard Gere
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Partners and Marriage
Eduardo Calasanz was a student at the Ateneo Manila University, Philippines, where he had Father Ferriols as professor. Father Ferriols, meanwhile at that time, was the Philosophy department head. Currently he still teaches Philosophy for graduating college students in Ateneo. Father Ferriols has been very popular for his mind opening and enriching classes but was also notorious for the grades he gives. Still people took his classes for the learning and deep insight they take home with them every day (if only they could do something about the grades...) Anyway, come grade giving time, (Ateneo has letter grading systems, the highest being an A, lowest at D, with F for flunk), Fr. Ferriols had this long discussion with the registrar people because he wanted to give Calasanz an A+. Either that or he doesn't teach at all... Calasanz got his A+. Read the paper below to find out why....
By Eduardo Jose E. Calasanz
I have never met a man who didn't want to be loved. But I have seldom met a man who didn't fear marriage. Something about the closure seems constricting, not enabling. Marriage seems easier to understand for what it cuts out of our lives than for what it makes possible within our lives.
When I was younger this fear immobilized me. I did not want to make a mistake. I saw my friends get married for reasons of social acceptability, or sexual fever, or just because they thought it was the logical thing to do. Then I watched, as they and their partners became embittered and petty in their dealings with each other. I looked at older couples and saw, at best, mutual toleration of each other. I imagined a lifetime of loveless nights and bickering days and could not imagine subjecting myself or someone else to such a fate.
And yet, on rare occasions, I would see old couples who somehow seemed to glow in each other's presence. They seemed really in love, not just dependent upon each other and tolerant of each other's foibles. It was an astounding sight, and it seemed impossible. How, I asked myself, can they have survived so many years of sameness, so much irritation at the others habits? What keeps love alive in them, when most of us seem unable to even stay together, much less love each other?
The central secret seems to be in choosing well. There is something to the claim of fundamental compatibility. Good people can create a bad relationship, even though they both dearly want the relationship to succeed. It is important to find someone with whom you can create a good relationship from the outset. Unfortunately, it is hard to see clearly in the early stages. Sexual hunger draws you to each other and colors the way you see yourselves together. It blinds you to the thousands of little things by which relationships eventually survive or fail.
You need to find a way to see beyond this initial overwhelming sexual fascination. Some people choose to involve themselves sexually and ride out the most heated period of sexual attraction in order to see what is on the other side. This can work, but it can also leave a trail of wounded hearts. Others deny the sexual side altogether in an attempt to get to know each other apart from their sexuality. But they cannot see clearly, because the presence of unfulfilled sexual desire looms so large that it keeps them from having any normal perception of what life would be like together.
The truly lucky people are the ones who manage to become long-time friends before they realize they are attracted to each other. They get to know each other's laughs, passions, sadness, and fears. They see each other at their worst and at their best. They share time together before they get swept up into the entangling intimacy of their sexuality. This is the ideal, but not often possible. If you fall under the spell of your sexual attraction immediately, you need to look beyond it for other keys to compatibility.
One of these is laughter. Laughter tells you how much you will enjoy each others company over the long term. If your laughter together is good and healthy, and not at the expense of others, then you have a healthy relationship to the world. Laughter is the child of surprise. If you can make each other laugh, you can always surprise each other. And if you can always surprise each other, you can always keep the world around you new.
Beware of a relationship in which there is no laughter. Even the most intimate relationships based only on seriousness have a tendency to turn sour. Over time, sharing a common serious viewpoint on the world tends to turn you against those who do not share the same viewpoint, and your relationship can become based on being critical together.
After laughter, look for a partner who deals with the world in a way you respect. When two people first get together, they tend to see their relationship as existing only in the space between the two of them. They find each other endlessly fascinating, and the overwhelming power of the emotions they are sharing obscures the outside world. As the relationship ages and grows, the outside world becomes important again.
If your partner treats people or circumstances in a way you can't accept, you will inevitably come to grief. Look at the way he/she cares for others and deals with the daily affairs of life. If that makes you love him/her more, your love will grow. If it does not, be careful. If you do not respect the way you each deal with the world around you, eventually the two of you will not respect each other.
Look also at how your partner confronts the mysteries of life. We live on the cusp of poetry and practicality, and the real life of the heart resides in the poetic. If one of you is deeply affected by the mystery of the unseen in life and relationships, while the other is drawn only to the literal and the practical, you must take care that the distance does not become an unbridgeable gap that leaves you each feeling isolated and misunderstood. There are many other keys, but you must find them by yourself. We all have unchangeable parts of our hearts that we will not betray and private commitments to a vision of life that we will not deny. If you fall in love with someone who cannot nourish those inviolable parts of you, or if you cannot nourish them in him/her, you will find yourselves growing further apart until you live in separate worlds where you share the business of life, but never touch each other where the heart lives and dreams.
From there it is only a small leap to the cataloging of petty hurts and daily failures that leaves so many couples bitter and unsatisfied with their mates. So choose carefully and well. If you do, you will have chosen a partner with whom you can grow, and then the real miracle of marriage can take place in your hearts.
I pick my words carefully when I speak of a miracle. But I think it is not too strong a word. There is a miracle in marriage. It is called transformation. Transformation is one of the most common events of nature. The seed becomes the flower. The cocoon becomes the butterfly. Winter becomes spring and love becomes a child. We never question these, because we see them around us every day. To us they are not miracles, though if we did not know them they would be impossible to believe.
Marriage is a transformation we choose to make. Our love is planted like a seed, and in time it begins to flower. We cannot know the flower that will blossom, but we can be sure that a bloom will come.
If you have chosen carefully and wisely, the bloom will be good. If you have chosen poorly or for the wrong reason, the bloom will be flawed. We are quite willing to accept the reality of negative transformation in a marriage. It was negative transformation that always had me terrified of the bitter marriages that I feared when I was younger. It never occurred to me to question the dark miracle that transformed love into harshness and bitterness.
Yet I was unable to accept the possibility that the first heat of love could be transformed into something positive that was actually deeper and more meaningful than the heat of fresh passion. All I could believe in was the power of this passion and the fear that when it cooled I would be left with something lesser and bitter.
But there is positive transformation as well. Like negative transformation, it results from a slow accretion of little things. But instead of death by a thousand blows, it is growth by a thousand touches of love. Two histories intermingle. Two separate beings, two separate presence, two separate consciousness come together and share a view of life that passes before them. They remain separate, but they also become one.
There is an expansion of awareness, not a closure and a constriction, as I had once feared. This is not to say that there is not tension and there are not traps. Tension and traps are part of every choice of life, from celibate to monogamous to having multiple lovers.
Each choice contains within it the lingering doubt that the road not taken somehow mor e fruitful and exciting, and each becomes dulled to the richness that it alone contains. But only marriage allows life to deepen and expand and be leavened by the knowledge that two have chosen, against all odds, to become one. Those who live together without marriage can know the pleasure of shared company, but there is a specific gravity in the marriage commitment that deepens that experience into something richer and more complex.
So do not fear marriage, just as you should not rush into it for the wrong reasons. It is an act of faith and it contains within it the power of transformation. If you believe in your heart that you have found someone with whom you are able to grow, if you have sufficient faith that you can resist the endless attraction of the road not taken and the partner not chosen, if you have the strength of heart to embrace the cycles and seasons that your love will experience, then you may be ready to seek the miracle that marriage offers. If not, then wait.
The easy grace of a marriage well made is worth your patience. When the time comes, a thousand flowers will bloom...endlessly.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Thanksgiving for my 28th Birthday
I woke up today at 11 am and saw that it was raining outside. I love the rain! Besides the fact that it ALWAYS rains on my birthday...wherever part of the world I am.... a lot of good things happen/happened to me when it rains/rained. And because it's raining birthday.....I'm sure It's God pouring his blessing and wishing me a good year ahead again!Thanks God! Youre the BEST! birthday....Well, Im still here in Japan. Im leaving in a few hours for my summer holiday. I'll be having another birthday celebration in Sri Lanka with Rajitha and Ron. My birthday coincides with their 10th year wedding anniversary so they said, it's going to be a big celebration. Can't wait for it.
I had 4 birthday celebrations last year. 3 of those celebrations were in different parts of Japan...Different islands....and 1 was in Cambodia with good friends. I have 5 celebrations this year. One was last night (July 25), at Farida's apartment
(Thanks Dear Farida for throwing a great party for me!), One is this evening(July 26) in a bowling center near my house,
One is in Sri Lanka on Saturday (July 28), and the other 2 are in the Philippines. My bestfriend Joyce said she will be cooking for my birthday, invite people and celebrate so she'll feel that Im there, and my family are celebrating it as of this writing. Oh, Im just so lucky to be loved!
On my 28th Birthday, I want to make a list of things I am thankful for...
1. I am thankful for a loving family who unselfishly loves a selfish me.
2. I am thankful for friends(Veadar), students, colleagues,Ateneo buddies, Ex neighbors,cousins, Ex dates, current neighbors, ex bfs, acquaintances who didnt forget my birthday. I really feel so loved! I have 42 birthday greetings messages in friendster alone! Yey! And about 24 messages in my yahoo and gmail accounts. and 8 text messages! and lots of phone calls! Thanks everyone! God Bless u all!
3. I am thankful for good friends here in Japan who keep me sane. and insane at times!hahaha!
4. I am thankful for a good job and a fulfilling career.
5.I am thankful for Ate Bing and for my bestfriend Joyce who never tire of loving me, doing all the favors I ask of them and listening to all my stories. i love u Moy!I love u Ate Bing!
6.I am thankful for being healthy..thus,being able to do all the adventures I love doing.
7.I am thankful that my injured knee from climbing Mt. Fuji a year ago is getting much better(thanks to my chiropractor!)
8. I am thankful because according to my dentist, I have a very good set of teeth with very,very few cavities! Yey! AND I am thankful that my skin isnt so dry anymore. ahahaha. A girl will always be a girl!
9.I am thankful that I finally got connected to my good,good Korean friend Hye Hyun and my ex co worker Sheila, both of whom I havent seen for 5 years now.
10. I am thankful that one of my best , best buds, Kiten, and I are communicating again.
11.I am thankful for Gold and Ricky who are my constant poker buddies and who keep up with all my eccentrities and vanities and techie kaboblaksan.
12.I am thankful for the chance to have a long holiday this summer! And for the chance to climb Mount Everest next week.
13.I am thankful that this summer isnt so hot.
14.I am thankful for the many I love you's said to me today.
15. I am thankful that I continue losing weight and feel good.
16.I am thankful for job offers that I get every now and then.
17.I am thankful for the fact that I can buy clothes in Japan now! finally!
18.I am thankful for the lovely presents I got for my birthday! Thanks Farida,Kate, Kaori,Clive, Harue , Yuko and Moy!
This one is from Farida..a really nice necklace!
This one is from Kate... a very good and fragrant French shampoo and conditioner
This one is from products from my favorite store...Lush!
This is from Harue...a really cool Yukata(summer kimono)!
These are from producst again....Tea,Cellulite massager, and Mango Diet drink
This is from Clive...a CD by one of my fave Japanese singers...Ayaka
Joyce's and Gold's and Ricky's gifts are still on the way.Will post it here next time!
19.I am thankful that Ive been financially independent for the last 7 years of my life.I do my best not to bother anyone esp my family to provide me with my needs.
20.I am thankful for still being single because I am able to do things that married people with kids cant do anymore
21.I am thankful for not having a kid yet coz I may not be able to handle it at this time. Maybe next year? hmmm......
22. Im thankful for being surrounded by kids everyday. For spending most of my time playing with them, educating them, goofing around with them, basically having fun everyday with them. And by the end of the month, I get paid for it!
23.I am thankful for friends all over the world who never fail to keep in touch ,spoil me and pray for my Mr. Right.
24.I am thankful for the past 27 years of a pretty damn good life!
25.I am thankful for Veadar Dixtrois. My lifetime bestfriends.
26.I am thankful that my family and friends and my friends' families are happy and healthy!
27.I am thankful that I have friends who let me enjoy my success, not apologize for it.
28.I am SO thankful for a very uncomplicated life at the moment. Which makes me sleep like a baby at night. No guilt.No fear. No anger. No paranoia. No worry. Just plain peace and happiness.
My 28th birthday is a day of thanksgiving! A year of thanksgiving! Cant wait for my 29th! Happy Birthday to me!
Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji
July 9th 2006 is another milestone in my life. I climbed Mount Fuji! 3,776 meters for 8 hours. If you think that’s easy, think again. –6 Degrees at the top. I had to climb during the wee hours….12 midnight….. I reached the top at exactly 4:08 am. I saw the sunrise for about 30 seconds. Then it started raining.
I’m not sure people would understand how important this event is for me. Some people would say, you climbed up 8 hours, then came down 5 hours and just saw the sunrise for 30 seconds! That’s crazy! Well, I tell you, It’s not. It’s probably the best experience Ive had in my life here in Japan since 2002.
You see, Ive been dreaming of climbing Mount Fuji since I set foot here in October 2001. Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan and is Japan’s symbol. I guess it’s like the Eiffel tower in Paris. You’ve never been to Paris If you haven’t seen the Eiffel tower. That’s what I felt about Mt. Fuji.
But it really isn’t easy. I mean, I am very lazy to work-out. My only constant form of exercise is riding my bicycle to go to work and back home. I am not sporty ( which maybe explains why my Aussie co workers seldom invite me whenever they have their weekend nature adventures) I don’t like walking. I don’t like sweating. And on top of everything else, I have a weak body. I’m not perfectly healthy. If I’m outside when it rains without an umbrella, you’ll be sure I’ll be sick for the next 2–3 days. Every winter, I am a constant visitor in the hospital. Every summer, I have terrible migraines, I feel like dying. From time to time(once or twice a year), I collapse in the bathroom ( ask Golda…the last time it happened was when we were taking a bath together in New Jersey)….. So anyway, point is….. Im not perfectly fit to do strenuous activities specially climb mountains, and a very high mountain that is.
But I was determined. I set my mind to believe that my mind was stronger than my body. And so, in June, I signed up for this weekend climb tour to Mount Fuji.
As the days came nearer, I got excited but scared at the same time. Everyone (family, friends, students, ex bfs, co workers) who knew about this big adventure tried to discourage me from going. Everyone. But I couldn’t be defeated. My will was strong. I was determined.
A day before I climbed, I called the person I love the most in this world, my favorite aunt, back in the Philippines. I told her to pray for me and to go to the bank the following Monday If I don’t call her. Haha. I know maybe it’s a bit too much. But at that time I had a feeling I might not be able to come back. I wanted to be sure things are organized before I left. My best friend, Joyce, sent me several text messages. This is what she wrote….
Joyce (7/7/2006 12:58:08 PM)
Hi tar. Ingat ka ha. M praying 4u. I hope u reach d top of d mt fuji. Im proud that ur making ur dream a reality. I also want u to knw dat i love u and i
Joyce (7/7/2006 12:58:13 PM)
appreciate ur existence n ds world. Wn u reach d top, cry out all ur burdens to d lord and we u go down d mountain ull fl brnd new. Thanks for blvng in
Joyce (7/7/2006 12:58:15 PM)
me as i blv n u. I love u tar. Ur my bstfrnd n d whle wde world. I love u tar. God b wd u
I was very touched. My Ate Bing also kept on telling me that I have to come back because we still have so many travel plans together. One of my favorite students, Mikiko San, ( who kindly drove me to the station) told me that it doesn’t matter If I don’t reach the top. She said my drive to climb is more than enough. She’s a very kind woman. Since her parents climbed Mt Fuji 30 years ago, she knew how difficult it is going to be that’s why she was worried about me.
I was happy to know a lot of people love me dearly. I was prepared not to come back. I think I have done a lot of things in my life. I thought that if ever I die, I wouldnt have any regrets. It was enough to know I was loved and appreciated.
And so I climbed. It was VERY hard. I had difficulty breathing as we were going up. The tour guide kept on telling me that I don’t have to force myself If it’s too difficult. He said I can just wait for them the following day. But, I was already halfway. I wouldn’t be defeated by my body. I am strong. I had to climb the top.
And so I did.
I cant fully explain what I felt when I reached the top. I wanted to cry but I couldnt. I have been thru a lot these past 7 months. I had so much hatred, pain, bitterness inside me. I guess it was the time to cry. But I couldn’t. I wouldn’t cry. I was happy. I couldn’t feel any pain, hatred or bitterness. All I felt was GRATITUDE. Gratitude to God for being alive. That’s it. On my way up, I was able to reflect a lot about my life. Everything that happened to me…these past years….…all the people who came in my life..all the people who left…the people whom Ive hurt…. who’ve hurt me…..I guess Ive forgiven them, and most importantly, Ive forgiven myself. I thought about my family and how lucky I am to have them. I thought about my good friends and how much I love them( despite all the distance & “tampuhans”) I thought about my plans and dreams… UK studies….my grand Africa & South America trip….my Japanese PR, my moving to Vancouver….my hopes for MA’s & PHd’s…..My dream Omega watch....none of these mattered anymore to me. I was happy. I am happy. Im just grateful to be alive. And to be loved.
That’s my Mt. Fuji experience. I told u July 9th 2006 is a milestone.
starting the climb
We needed to rest.It's been 2 hours of non stop climbing.
These people kept me company and motivated me not to give up! thanks, you all!For all the stories and sweat,laughters we shared!
The new friends Ive made in this trip. This is how we "slept".
That's me at the summit of Mount Fuji!The best Bday gift to myself ever!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
6 years in Numbers
flew 102,816 miles
took 38,492 pictures
climbed 6,725 meters of mountains
ran 1,450 kilometers
memorized 1000 Kanji characters
met hundreds of great people all over the world
watched hundreds of movies and dvds
travelled to 124 cities in the world
read 120 books
collected 103 magnets from all over the world
bought about 100 new pairs of shoes
travelled to 95 cities in japan
been in an airplane 94 times
visited 92 museums
collected 65 shot glasses
learned to cook 60 new recipes
gained 50 lbs
lost 50 lbs
been in the hospital 48 times
attended 46 seminars and trainings
visited 44 Unesco world heritage sites
didnt bite my nails for 32 days
went on a date 31 times
been in 30 prefectures in japan
travelled to 28 countries in the world
got terribly drunk and wasted about 27 times
backpacked for 26 days
got into terrible fights and stupid arguments 22 times
had major crushes 21 times
tried to quit smoking 20 times
went to see a chiropractor 19 times
memorized 18 Japanese songs by heart
became a godmother of 17 kids
had a computer breakdown 16 times
attended a wedding 15 times
did 14 things i wasnt proud of doing
went to disneyland and universal studios (combined)13 times
let go of someone special ive loved for 12 years
met 11 of my old bestfriends all over the world
organized 10 beautiful albums(hardbound--not E-albums)
went home to the Philippines 9 times
made 8 new bestfriends for life
got injured 7 times
Lost 6 friends
Gained 4 friends back(the other 2 were not worth gaining back)
helped send 5 kids to school
been proposed to 4 times
got seriously infatuated 3 times
lived in 2 beautiful places in japan
climbed mount fuji ONCE (and that's enough!)
bought a house
bought a condo
bought a car
bought my 1st Mac
fell madly in love once
had my heart broken
fell in love again
and the best part? I laughed and I cried a million times!
what do I feel right now after all these experiences? Nothing but GRATEFULNESS. God has been good. All the things that happened, the good and the bad, everything happened for a reason. Nothing was wasted. I had a fruitful and memorable 6 years. Life is great,friends!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Love Actually
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8-year-olds, "What does love mean?"
The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:
"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love."
Rebecca - age 8
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.�€� You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."
Billy - age 4
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."
Karl - age 5
"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs."
Chrissy - age 6
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
Terri - age 4
"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."
Danny - age 7
"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss."
Emily - age 8
"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)
"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate."
Nikka - age 6�€�
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."
Noelle - age 7
"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well."
Tommy - age 6
"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore."
Cindy - age 8
"My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night."
Clare - age 6
"Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken."
Elaine - age 5
"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Brad Pitt."
Chris - age 7
"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."
Mary Ann - age 4
"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."
Lauren - age 4
"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (what an image)
Karen - age 7
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."
Jessica - age 8
And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge.
The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.
The winner was a four-year-old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said,
"Nothing, I just helped him cry."