Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thanksgiving for my 28th Birthday

again...part of the Blogs from the Past series...written last July 26, 28th birthday...

I woke up today at 11 am and saw that it was raining outside. I love the rain! Besides the fact that it ALWAYS rains on my birthday...wherever part of the world I am.... a lot of good things happen/happened to me when it rains/rained. And because it's raining birthday.....I'm sure It's God pouring his blessing and wishing me a good year ahead again!Thanks God! Youre the BEST! birthday....Well, Im still here in Japan. Im leaving in a few hours for my summer holiday. I'll be having another birthday celebration in Sri Lanka with Rajitha and Ron. My birthday coincides with their 10th year wedding anniversary so they said, it's going to be a big celebration. Can't wait for it.

I had 4 birthday celebrations last year. 3 of those celebrations were in different parts of Japan...Different islands....and 1 was in Cambodia with good friends. I have 5 celebrations this year. One was last night (July 25), at Farida's apartment



(Thanks Dear Farida for throwing a great party for me!), One is this evening(July 26) in a bowling center near my house,


One is in Sri Lanka on Saturday (July 28), and the other 2 are in the Philippines. My bestfriend Joyce said she will be cooking for my birthday, invite people and celebrate so she'll feel that Im there, and my family are celebrating it as of this writing. Oh, Im just so lucky to be loved!

On my 28th Birthday, I want to make a list of things I am thankful for...

1. I am thankful for a loving family who unselfishly loves a selfish me.

2. I am thankful for friends(Veadar), students, colleagues,Ateneo buddies, Ex neighbors,cousins, Ex dates, current neighbors, ex bfs, acquaintances who didnt forget my birthday. I really feel so loved! I have 42 birthday greetings messages in friendster alone! Yey! And about 24 messages in my yahoo and gmail accounts. and 8 text messages! and lots of phone calls! Thanks everyone! God Bless u all!

3. I am thankful for good friends here in Japan who keep me sane. and insane at times!hahaha!

4. I am thankful for a good job and a fulfilling career.

5.I am thankful for Ate Bing and for my bestfriend Joyce who never tire of loving me, doing all the favors I ask of them and listening to all my stories. i love u Moy!I love u Ate Bing!

6.I am thankful for being healthy..thus,being able to do all the adventures I love doing.

7.I am thankful that my injured knee from climbing Mt. Fuji a year ago is getting much better(thanks to my chiropractor!)

8. I am thankful because according to my dentist, I have a very good set of teeth with very,very few cavities! Yey! AND I am thankful that my skin isnt so dry anymore. ahahaha. A girl will always be a girl!

9.I am thankful that I finally got connected to my good,good Korean friend Hye Hyun  and my ex co worker Sheila, both of whom I havent seen for 5 years now.

10. I am thankful that one of my best , best buds, Kiten, and I are communicating again.

11.I am thankful for Gold and Ricky who are my constant poker buddies and who keep up with all my eccentrities and vanities and techie kaboblaksan.

12.I am thankful for the chance to have a long holiday this summer! And for the chance to climb Mount Everest next week.

13.I am thankful that this summer isnt so hot.

14.I am thankful for the many I love you's said to me today.

15. I am thankful that I continue losing weight and feel good.

16.I am thankful for job offers that I get every now and then.

17.I am thankful for the fact that I can buy clothes in Japan now! finally!

18.I am thankful for the lovely presents I got for my birthday! Thanks Farida,Kate, Kaori,Clive, Harue , Yuko and Moy!

This one is from Farida..a really nice necklace!


This one is from Kate... a very good and fragrant French shampoo and conditioner


This one is from products from my favorite store...Lush!


This is from Harue...a really cool Yukata(summer kimono)!


These are from producst again....Tea,Cellulite massager, and Mango Diet drink


This is from Clive...a CD by one of my fave Japanese singers...Ayaka


Joyce's and Gold's and Ricky's gifts are still on the way.Will post it here next time!

19.I am thankful that Ive been financially independent for the last 7 years of my life.I do my best not to bother anyone esp my family to provide me with my needs.

20.I am thankful for still being single because I am able to do things that married people with kids cant do anymore

21.I am thankful for not having  a kid yet coz I may not be able to handle it at this time. Maybe next year? hmmm......

22. Im thankful for being surrounded by kids everyday. For spending most of my time playing with them, educating them, goofing around with them, basically having fun everyday with them. And by the end of the month, I get paid for it!

23.I am thankful for friends all over the world who never fail to keep in touch ,spoil me and pray for my Mr. Right.

24.I am thankful for the past 27 years of a pretty damn good life!

25.I am thankful for Veadar Dixtrois. My lifetime bestfriends.

26.I am thankful that my family and friends and my friends' families are happy and healthy!

27.I am thankful that I have friends who let me enjoy my success, not apologize for it.

28.I am SO thankful for a very uncomplicated life at the moment. Which makes me sleep like a baby at night. No guilt.No fear. No anger. No paranoia. No worry. Just plain peace and happiness.

My 28th birthday is a day of thanksgiving! A year of thanksgiving! Cant wait for my 29th! Happy Birthday to me!

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