Someone told me he'll marry me today! Again. Hahaha.
My favorite 3 year old student, Chikara, came to my room again today. I was organizing my HS/College pictures in my room and he came to give me his usual hug and kiss.
He saw one picture of me and an ex boyfriend hugging each other. This is how the conversation went...
Chikara: (frowning) Who is this?
Me: Oh, That's an old friend.
C: (Still frowning) Is he your boyfriend?
Me: Oh, hmm... well, He used to be my boyfriend but not anymore.
C: (feeling relieved) Are you going to marry him?
Me: No, no. no. of course not!
C: (Looking at me seriously)Don't marry him.
Me: Huh? (Surpirsed) Why Not?
C: Coz Im going to marry you!
Hahaha! He is such an angel. So sweet!
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