Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mount Fuji

I wrote this entry summer of 2006 in my friendster account's blog. Since some of you dont have friendster accounts, I will repost my old blog entries here

Mount Fuji

July 9th 2006 is another milestone in my life. I climbed Mount Fuji! 3,776 meters for 8 hours.  If you think that’s easy, think again. –6 Degrees at the top. I had to climb during the wee hours….12 midnight….. I reached the top at exactly 4:08 am. I saw the sunrise for about 30 seconds. Then it started raining.

I’m not sure people would understand how important this event is for me. Some people would say, you climbed up 8 hours, then came down 5 hours and just saw the sunrise for 30 seconds! That’s crazy! Well, I tell you, It’s not. It’s probably the best experience Ive had in my life here in Japan since 2002.

You see, Ive been dreaming of climbing Mount Fuji since I set foot here in October 2001. Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan and is Japan’s symbol. I guess it’s like the Eiffel tower in Paris. You’ve never been to Paris If you haven’t seen the Eiffel tower. That’s what I felt about Mt. Fuji.

But it really isn’t easy. I mean, I am very lazy to work-out. My only constant form of exercise is riding my bicycle to go to work and back home. I am not sporty ( which maybe explains why my Aussie co workers seldom invite me whenever they have their weekend nature adventures) I don’t like walking. I don’t like sweating. And on top of everything else, I have a weak body. I’m not perfectly healthy. If  I’m outside when it rains without an  umbrella, you’ll be sure I’ll be sick for the next 2–3 days.  Every winter, I am a constant visitor in the hospital. Every summer, I have terrible migraines, I feel like dying.  From time to time(once or twice a year), I collapse in the bathroom ( ask Golda…the last time it happened was when we were taking a bath together in New Jersey)….. So anyway, point is….. Im not perfectly fit to do strenuous activities specially climb mountains, and a very high mountain that is.

But I was determined. I set my mind to believe that my mind was stronger than my body. And so, in June, I signed up for this weekend climb tour to Mount Fuji.

As the days came nearer, I got excited but scared at the same time.  Everyone (family, friends, students, ex bfs, co workers)  who knew about this big adventure tried to discourage me from going. Everyone. But I couldn’t be defeated. My will was strong. I was determined.

A day before I climbed, I called the person I love the most in this world, my favorite aunt, back in the Philippines.  I told her to pray for me and to go to the bank the following Monday If I don’t call her. Haha. I know maybe it’s a bit too much. But at that time I had a feeling I might not be able to come back. I wanted to be sure things are organized before I left. My  best friend, Joyce, sent me several text messages. This is what she wrote….

Joyce (7/7/2006 12:58:08 PM)

Hi tar. Ingat ka ha. M praying 4u. I hope u reach d top of d mt fuji. Im proud that ur making ur dream a reality. I also want u to knw dat i love u and i

Joyce (7/7/2006 12:58:13 PM)

appreciate ur existence n ds world. Wn u reach d top, cry out all ur burdens to d lord and we u go down d mountain ull fl brnd new. Thanks for blvng in

Joyce (7/7/2006 12:58:15 PM)

me as i blv n u. I love u tar. Ur my bstfrnd n d whle wde world. I love u tar. God b wd u

I was very touched. My Ate Bing also kept on telling me that I have to come back because we still have so many travel plans together. One of my favorite students, Mikiko San, ( who kindly drove me to the station) told me that it doesn’t matter If I don’t reach the top. She said my drive to climb is more than enough. She’s a very kind woman. Since her parents climbed Mt Fuji 30 years ago, she knew how difficult it is going to be that’s why she was worried about me.

I was happy to know a lot of people love me dearly. I was prepared not to come back. I think I have done a lot of things in my life. I thought that if ever I die, I wouldnt have any regrets. It was enough to know I was loved and appreciated.

And so I climbed. It was VERY hard. I had difficulty breathing as we were going up. The tour guide kept on telling me that I don’t have to force myself If it’s too difficult. He said I can just wait for them the following day. But, I was already halfway. I wouldn’t be defeated by my body. I am strong. I had to climb the top.

And so I did.

I cant fully explain  what I felt when I reached the top. I wanted to cry but I couldnt. I have been thru a lot these past 7 months. I had so much hatred, pain, bitterness inside me.  I guess it was the time to cry.  But I couldn’t. I wouldn’t cry. I was happy. I couldn’t feel any pain, hatred or bitterness. All I felt was GRATITUDE. Gratitude to God for being alive. That’s it. On my way up, I was able to reflect a lot about my life. Everything that happened to me…these past years….…all the people who came in my life..all the people who left…the people whom Ive hurt…. who’ve hurt me…..I guess Ive forgiven them, and most importantly, Ive forgiven myself. I thought about my family and how lucky I am to have them. I thought about my good friends and how much I love them( despite all the distance & “tampuhans”) I thought about my plans and dreams… UK studies….my grand Africa & South America trip….my Japanese PR, my moving to Vancouver….my hopes for MA’s & PHd’s…..My dream Omega watch....none of these mattered anymore to me. I was happy. I am happy. Im just grateful to be alive. And to be loved.

That’s my Mt. Fuji experience. I told u July 9th 2006 is a milestone.

starting the climb

We needed to rest.It's been 2 hours of non stop climbing.

These people kept me company and motivated me not to give up! thanks, you all!For all the stories and sweat,laughters we shared!

The new friends Ive made in this trip. This is how we "slept".

That's me at the summit of Mount Fuji!The best Bday gift to myself ever!

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